What we do
We answer questions about Education, Development, Agriculture, Health and Human Rights. Evidence based decision making is a cornerstone to development in any society and ZCG seamlessly help bridge the gap.
ZCG is your research partner to:
- Provide high-quality data that responds to organizational needs
- Facilitate highly engaged partnerships with stakeholders that ensures authentic opportunities for participation in the research process
- Increase your ability to make data-driven-decisions in an ever-changing world.
When you need research services, contact ZCG.
Our Process
While each research is unique, most engagements involve eight phases:

Stages of Research
- Identifying the problem.
- Reviewing literature.
- Setting research questions, objectives, and hypotheses.
- Choosing the study design.
- Deciding on the sample design.
- Collecting data.
- Processing and analyzing data.
- Writing the report.
1. Problem Identification
At this stage, researcher identifies the problem. Good problem identification assures the success of research.
2. Review of Literature
Researcher or researchers review literature related to the topic. The review of literature enables investigator to broaden knowledge.
3. Set Research questions, Objectives and/or hypothesis
The researcher chooses research questions, objectives and hypothesis. These three items are critical to successful conduct of research.
4. Choice of Study design
Research design is the lifeblood of the research as it gives clear guidance on how research questions will be answered and objectives met.
5. Decision on Sample size
Sampling is an integral part in the research process. The basic idea of sampling is that it involves any procedure that uses a relatively small number of items or portions of a universe to conclude the whole population.
6. Data Collection
At this stage the researcher collects data from the selected sample. The approach selected depends on the objectives of the study, the research design, and the availability of time, money, and personnel.
8. Report Writing and submission
Once data has been analyzed, a research report is prepared using an agreed template.
Our Address:
ZAFRIK Consulting Group
Findeco House, Floor 17,
P.O.Box 278,
Phone: 0950-495278
Email: info@zafrikconsulting.com