Here are the 6 most effective ways to search for a job. You may be a graduate and stayed for several years without a job. Find out how to effectively search for a job in a modern and competitive society. Below are six effective ways to find a job:
Effective Way Number 1: Create Job Networks
This is the hidden job market. Most lucrative jobs are never advertised. These jobs are filled by candidates who learn of them by word of mouth from friends, former bosses or former colleagues. For networking to be effective, you’ll have to start socializing make as many friends as possible. But be cautious not to entertain friends who do not add value to your life. You can meet these people online and in person.
Once your network grows, you’ll realize how many job opportunities are waiting for you out there. Social media networks such as Facebook, linked, twitter and others have also become an effective form of job networking, so take advantage of these platforms.
Effective Way Number 2: Referrals
Many people downplay the importance of referrals in job search. But referrals are an important way of finding and getting a job. If a job candidate gets strong referrals in their job application chances are that they will get the job.
Job seekers fail to have strong referrals because of bad relationships at their former jobs. It is therefore, important that you create peace with your former employers for them to recommend you. Simply put, work relationships you create help open doors for the future.
Effective Way Number 3: Company Websites
If you’ve a dream employer in mind, it is advisable to go to the career section of the company’s website. By checking the career’s section, you’ll find open jobs listed. Then you can apply for the position.
You can do this by creating a list of companies that you would like to work for and frequently browse through their websites. For example, if you’d like to work for ZCG, you can visit the website weekly to check for any recent updates.
Effective Way Number 4: Company’s Social Media Listing
Companies use social media to make latest announcements. These announcements may include job opportunities. It is therefore, important that you visit the social media pages of the company you’d like to work for and like that page. By so doing, you’ll not miss any updates from the company.
Further, ensure that you become an active contributor on issues discussed on the page. The issues are of importance to the company and contributors prove to be an asset. By so doing, the company will keep an eye on you and may just get a job.
In 2016, I friend of mine got a job by merely contributing to a topic on child protection. The NGO that employed him got curious when he gave out advanced data on how to effectively implement child protection in the not-for-profit sector. He was invited for a physical meeting by the child protection coordinator and got a job. He is now the child protection coordinator. So ensure that your contributions are always professional as you do not know who is looking.
Effective Way Number 5: Recruitment agencies
If wild search for jobs have not helped, services of recruitment agencies may come in handy. Many organizations hire the services of recruitment agencies to fill vacancies.
The recruitment agencies are paid commission for every job filled. But ensure that you know who is paying for the recruitment process, if it’s you or the company.
Recruitment agencies can also guide you on effective curriculum vitae writing. Keep in mind that additional services may be paid for by you.
Effective Way Number 6: Internships
You’ve heard the saying “prove your worth”. The saying borders on the importance of showing your skills before you get the job. Many people have got jobs by strategically entering organizations as interns.
Internships are an effective way of joining an organization. Many organizations take people on casual or temporal positions but these positions in many instances end up as permanent jobs.
If you found the 6 most effective ways to search for a job helpful. Hala at me!
Author: Ms. Mable Ngandwe, HM Zafrik Consulting Group (Masters in Human Resource Management, University of Birmingham)