ZCG evaluates at three main stages of implementing. There are three types of project evaluation including: base-line, mid-line and end-line. Each of these types of project evaluation seek different information and must not be confused to mean the same. And below are summaries of each of the evaluations and their specific importance.
Baseline Evaluation
Project managers conduct baseline surveys at the beginning of a project to collect information on the status of a project beneficiaries before any type of intervention can affect them. The baseline survey serves are a number of functions including: benchmark for measuring project success or failure; Reference point for project managers for project management decisions; establish areas of priority for the project; inform decision makers best project implementation; and show cause for donor funding.
Midline Evaluation
A midline or Midterm survey is a study conducted in the middle of project implementation. For example, a three (3) year project can have a midline survey conducted in the second year of implementation. ZCG conducts midline assessments using comparisons to baseline data, and assessing the impact by measuring key indicators over a period of time. Further, the evaluation assesses the continued relevance of an intervention and the progress made towards achieving its planned objectives. They provide an opportunity to make modifications to ensure the achievement of these objectives within the lifetime of the project.
Endline Evaluation
An end line survey or final project evaluation, on the other hand, is the study conducted after the end of the project implementation. In contrast to baseline and midline evaluation, the purpose of the final project review and evaluation is to facilitate a process, which will document project outputs and impact. Project evaluators use the process to mobilize the various stakeholders to take action based on the documentation. The final evaluation also documents lessons learnt and possible future project replication.
These evaluations are important for the success of the project. For this reason, some donors demand that each of these evaluations are undertaken at an appointed time for continuation of funding.